Thursday, May 20, 2010

a good laugh!

I think we all need a good laugh once in a while and today was a big one for all of us. Two days ago we finished the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time as a family. YAY !!!!! Since we finished reading it we decided to polish up our "Articles of Faith" memorization. Spencer is the whiz at this and so we had challenges with him today. Brian would shout out an Article of Faith and then we had to say it better than Spencer. Today I failed on the 9th one. I better getting working on them again! It was then time to say family prayer, and today was Spencers turn to pray. We were all ready and then when Spencer opened his mouth the words "We believe" came flying out of Spencers mouth. I think most of us haven't laughed that hard in a long time, it was great!! And I am sure Heavenly Father got a kick out of it as well!


Janessa Couch said...

How fun! What an accomplishment to finish the Book of Mormon with your family 3 TIMES! That is cool

kate n. said...

That's great!
Reminds me of answering the phone one time as a kid and instead of saying "Hello" I said "Dear Heavenly Father..."
A little embarrassing!